Tuesday, 29 September 2015

160) An Exploding Apple Crumble

Apples, flour, margarine, oats, sugar. Tasted great, but who's going to clean the oven?

159) A Barbie Dressing Table For A Best Friend's Birthday

Cardboard, matchboxes, paperclips, wrapping paper, cotton marerial, plastic mirror, glue gun, leds, copper wire, battery, button, cellotape, various buttons and sparkly things in the drawers.

158) Spore Prints From A Fungus Foray

From a variety of fungus found in the woods and identified by someone in the know.
Black and white card, fungus, upturned ice cream tubs and a greenhouse.

157) A Bag With A Lining

Made at a workshop led by a 12 year old home ed kid.
Outer, inner and interfacing materials, bag straps, zip, sewing machine, cotton thread, and 4 hours of concentration and patience.
No shouting in frustration involved from either party.